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الثلاثاء، 22 سبتمبر 2015



Taiaro Atoll, Pacific Ocean, French Polynesia
An atoll, at times called a coral atoll, is a ring-molded coral reef including a coral edge that encloses a tidal pond incompletely or totally. There may be coral islands/cays on the edge. The atoll's coral regularly sits on the edge of a terminated seamount or spring of gushing lava which has disintegrated or died down incompletely underneath the water. The tidal pond frames over the volcanic pit or caldera while the higher edge stays above water or at shallow profundities that allow the coral to develop and structure the reefs. For the atoll to endure, proceeded with disintegration or subsidence must be at a rate ease sufficiently back to allow reef development upwards and outwards to supplant the lost tallness.

Atoll on Earth

The appropriation of atolls around the world is informational: the greater part of the world's atolls are in the Pacific Ocean (with fixations in the Tuamotu Islands, Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands, Coral Sea Islands, and the island gatherings of Kiribati, Tuvalu and Tokelau) and Indian Ocean (the Atolls of the Maldives, the Lakshadweep Islands, the Chagos Archipelago and the Outer Islands of the Seychelles). The Atlantic Ocean has no expansive gatherings of atolls, other than eight atolls east of Nicaragua that fit in with the Colombian branch of San Andres and Providencia in the Caribbean. 

Reef-building corals will flourish just in warm tropical and subtropical waters of seas and oceans, and in this way atolls are just found in the tropics and subtropics. The northernmost atoll of the world is Kure Atoll at 28°24' N, alongside different atolls of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The southernmost atolls of the world are Elizabeth Reef at 29°58' S, and adjacent Middleton Reef at 29°29' S, in the Tasman Sea, both of which are a Coral's piece Sea Islands Territory. The following southerly atoll is Ducie Island in the Pitcairn Islands Group, at 24°40' S. Bermuda is once in a while guaranteed as the "northernmost atoll" at a scope of 32°24' N. At this scope coral reefs would not create without the warming waters of the Gulf Stream. Then again, Bermuda is termed a pseudo-atoll in light of the fact that its general structure, while taking after that of an atoll, has an altogether different method of development. While there is no atoll straightforwardly on the equator, the nearest atoll to the Equator is Aranuka of Kiribati, with its southern tip only 12 km north of the equator.


The Manuhangi Atoll
In 1842, Charles Darwin clarified the formation of coral atolls in the southern Pacific Ocean based upon perceptions made amid a five-year voyage on board the HMS Beagle from 1831 to 1836. Acknowledged as fundamentally right, his clarification included considering that few tropical island sorts—from high volcanic island, through obstruction reef island, to atoll spoke to an arrangement of progressive subsidence of what began as a maritime well of lava. He contemplated that a bordering coral reef encompassing a volcanic island in the tropical ocean will develop upwards as the island dies down (sinks), turning into a "just about atoll", or boundary reef island, as epitomized by an island, for example, Aitutaki in the Cook Islands, Bora and others in the Society Islands. The bordering reef turns into a boundary reef for the reason that the external piece of the reef keeps up itself close ocean level through biotic development, while the inward piece of the reef falls behind, turning into a tidal pond on the grounds that conditions are less great for the coral and calcareous green growth in charge of most reef development. In time, subsidence conveys the old fountain of liquid magma beneath the sea surface and the hindrance reef remains. Right now, the island has turned into an atoll. 

Atolls are the development's result of tropical marine living beings, thus these islands are just found in warm tropical waters. Volcanic islands found past the warm water temperature necessities of hermatypic (reef-building) living beings get to be seamounts as they die down and are dissolved away at the surface. An island that is found where the sea water temperatures are just adequately warm for upward reef development to keep pace with the rate of subsidence is said to be at the Darwin Point. Islands in colder, more polar areas advance towards seamounts or guyots; hotter, more tropical islands develop towards atolls, for instance Kure Atoll. 

Reginald Aldworth Daly offered a to some degree diverse clarification for atoll arrangement: islands worn away by disintegration, by sea waves and streams, amid the last frigid stand of the ocean of approximately 900 feet (270 m) beneath present ocean level created as coral islands (atolls), or hindrance reefs on a stage encompassing a volcanic island not totally worn away, as ocean level bit by bit ascended from dissolving of the ice sheets. Revelation of the immense profundity of the volcanic remainder underneath numerous atolls, for example, at Midway Atoll supports the Darwin clarification, despite the fact that there can be little uncertainty that fluctuating ocean level has had significant impact on atolls and different reefs. 

Coral atolls are likewise a critical spot where dolomitization of calcite happens. At specific profundities water is undersaturated in calcium carbonate yet immersed in dolomite. Convection made by tides and ocean streams improve this change. Aqueous streams made by volcanoes under the atoll might likewise assume an imperative role.

Example is Aitutaki

Aitutaki is a "very nearly atoll". It has a most extreme height of pretty nearly 123 meters with the slope known as Maunga Pu near its northernmost point. The area range of the atoll is 18.05 km square (6.97 sq mi), of which the principle island possesses 16.8 km square (6.5 sq mi). The Ootu Peninsula, jutting east from the primary island in a southerly heading along the eastern edge of the reef, takes up 1.75 km square (0.68 sq mi) out of the fundamental island. For the tidal pond, zone figures somewhere around 50 and 74 km square (19 and 29 sq mi) are found. Satellite picture estimation recommends that the bigger figure likewise incorporates the reef level, which is ordinarily not considered piece of a tidal pond. 

The hindrance reef that structures the premise of Aitutaki is generally the state of an equilateral triangle with sides 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) long. The southern edge of the triangle is absolutely underneath the sea's surface, and the eastern side is made out of a string of little islands including Mangere, Akaiami, and Tekopua. 

The western side of the atoll contains a significant number of Aitutaki's critical elements including a vessel section through the boundary reef taking into consideration harbour near shore at Arutanga. Towards the side's south is a little break in the hindrance reef, permitting access for little water crafts to the tidal pond which covers the vast majority of the southern piece of the triangle. Further toward the north is the greater part of the principle island. Its rich volcanic soil give tropical leafy foods. Two of Aitutaki's 15 islets (motus) are likewise volcanic. The rest are made of coral.
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